Sufi Healing Order
Every person has hidden within themselves an innate capability to heal that is waiting to be unveiled and developed. Throughout the centuries — the millennia — there have been schools of healing that help people to awaken this capacity. The work of the Healing Order is to offer meditative practices and techniques that develop this inner capacity.
— Devi Tide, Kefayat (Head), Sufi Healing Order — North America
The purpose of the Inayati Sufi Healing Order is to awaken humanity to a greater realization of the power of the divine spirit to heal, and thus to bring about a better state of physical, mental and spiritual health. The basic principle of the Healing Order is that the soul is Divine breath. It purifies, revivifies and heals the instrument through which it functions.
Members of the Inayati Sufi Healing Order receive training to bring healing and succor in their ministry of joy, love and laughter. The Healing ministry is one of ease, helping people to find their natural tone, and find that place where they resonate with peace, life, delight and ease.
This is not a training to fix people, or to act in the role of a physician. This is a way of healing through providing a clear vehicle through which the Divine spirit can heal. It is a natural process of allowing what is, supporting transformation and healing, witnessing healing in its many forms and bringing to those experiencing darkness, disease,
disharmony and despair more love, light and more life.
The Healing Order emphasizes love, light, and life as tools of healing. These are the transformative resources of the mystic; they are also the tools of the healer.