Universal Worship

“As water in a fountain flows as one stream, but falls in many drops divided by time and space, so are the revelations of the one stream of truth.”
– Hazrat Inayat Khan.”

Universal Worship is a world-wide faith standing for unity, spiritual freedom, harmony and peace. It is also an inclusive interfaith community, inviting and welcoming people of different faiths (or none) to stand with each other in solidarity for peace, truth, respect and mutual understanding. It does not seek to change or replace the beliefs or faith that people already have, thus people are welcome to participate without giving up their faith or “leaving anything at the door”.

Universal Worship celebrates our collective spiritual heritage, uniting humanity as one family in the parenthood of God. It honors the wisdom, light and peace at the heart of all the world’s religious and spiritual traditions.

“…the need today is to recognise all of the great revealed traditions as elements of one prophetic voice, the universal tradition of wisdom that unites humanity with the living heart of the universe”
– Pir Zia Inayat-Khan

On the altar candles are kindled for the major world religions – including the Indigenous Peoples, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Christianity. Readings from the scriptures of these religions, carrying the voices of the World Messengers and Prophets, become a stream of wisdom and guidance – leading us towards the future with love, purpose and hope. The purpose of Universal Worship is the awakening of humanity to the divinity within all humankind. Universal Worship has a long established and beautiful tradition of offering services for children, supporting them to grow in an atmosphere of peace, love and harmony. Our ministers for Universal Worship are available in many parts of Aotearoa New Zealand to conduct ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, house blessings, namings, etc.

Universal Worship Study Group – Auckland

This study group is open to all who are interested in deepening their understanding of this dimension of the Sufi message which is now so relevant in this time. It is also for those ordained as Cherags (ministers of universal worship), and those who feel called to train towards ordination, which is open to Sufi initiates and non-initiates.

These meetings include meditations and practices for Cherags, attunement to the prophets, study readings and discussions.

5-7pm, usually monthly on the third Sunday of each month.
At 344 Mt Eden Rd, Mt Eden (in “Home and Family Counselling” premises)
Contact Sirr Christoffersen for details, phone 09 6232660 or 027 4792700.

“The mission of the Sufi Message is that, instead of giving a new form of worship, it collects all forms in one, so that no one may say, “My form of worship is left out”. It gives examples so that the followers of all religions may worship at the same time. It also brings all teachers known and unknown to the world as different beads in the same rosary. Imagine this idea spreading and penetrating through those separated because of differences of faith!”
– Hazrat Inayat Khan