The Sufi Path

The Sufi path is a process of deep personal transformation, the awakening of consciousness and conscience. Transcendent knowledge can never be encapsulated in words and is always passed as a direct transmission from person to person and from heart to heart. Sufi teachings offer inspiration and support through personal practice, working with a guide, and practicing together in community.

Sufis aim to harmonize with others and the world and to live life as their soul guides them – then natural human qualities of love, kindness, tolerance, patience, appreciation of beauty, inner radiance, confidence, insight, wisdom and creativity unfold within.

Direct experience of this kind leads to a growing realization of the need for awakening of the whole of humanity “to the sacredness of life within and the sacredness of all beings, our environment, the planet and the universe. The word Sufi, has a Greek root meaning  ‘wisdom,’ and from Arabic it means ‘pure’.

“Sufism is an essence, a truth. There is no form, no ritual, no custom, it is pure essence.”